Thursday, May 25, 2006

We are still...

alive, though you wouldn't be able to tell from the activity (well, lack thereof) on this blog. In a quick review, we finally made it across the country after two days of travelling at roughly 57 miles an hour. We made our trip faster than on the Oregon Trail game (and, we didn't have to ford any rivers), but much slower than the thousands of vehicles that passed us doing 80 on I-20. But we got here just the same. For now, we are working on assimilating our stuff* into the parent's house. And going to interviews for jobs, which is good. Hopefully this weekend we will get the chance to finally catch a breath, watch Wednesday's LOST and Top Chef (no spoilers, please!), and find something to do that is blog-worthy. Thanks to the three of you that still check in on us-more later....
*this is not including the 1000 cubic feet of "stuff" that is crammed into our storage unit. To say we are getting our money's worth would be an understatement. I just know we are going to hear that thing exhale in relief when we move out.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

What a weekend!

We are still recovering from this busy (but FUN) weekend. Saturday night we enjoyed our last (boo!) chance to be spectators at the annual Twilight Criterium. In my opinion this might be the best event in Athens. When else are you going to go downtown, perch yourself precariously on a curb, and yell at strangers (who can't hear you) zooming by at 45 miles an hour? We had a great time and walked home hoarse, but happy. After church (and a nap) on Sunday we were treated to a going away party by our very dear friends. We had a blast hanging out at the park, throwing the frisbee, chatting, and of course, eating. They did a great job throwing the perfect party. Of course, the eternal irony of going away parties is that they make you realize even more how wonderful the place you are leaving actually is! Thanks again to everybody who helped organize the party or came to visit with us :)